Presentations and Appearances

Presentations & Appearances

Sneak Peek Fassionola at Inuhele

Sneak Peek! Fassionola: The Torrid Story of Cocktails’ Most Mysterious Ingredient

Illustrated presentation by Martin S. Lindsay at Inuhele, Atlanta, GA, January 19, 2023. Sneak peek presentation of the then upcoming culinary history by Gregorio Pantoja and Martin Lindsay, presented at the annual Tiki weekender, Inuhele.

Lost Restaurants of San Diego

Treasures from the Past: Lost Restaurants of San Diego

Illustrated presentation by Martin S. Lindsay for the Culinary Historians of San Diego, Neil Morgan Auditorium, San Diego Central Library, San Diego, CA, April 20, 2022. What makes a restaurant memorable, even years after it’s gone? Is it the location, food, the people, or the good times you had there? Join author Martin Lindsay as he takes us on a visual tour of some of the keepers — San Diego’s loved (and not so loved) long-lost restaurants.

Tiki Art and Polynesian Pop in American Culture

Tiki Art and Polynesian Pop in American Culture

Discussion panel about Tiki art and Polynesian culture, moderated by James Wasser. Featuring Josh “Shag” Agle, Devon Devereaux, Adrian Eustaquio, Brandon Giraldez, Bosko Hrnjak, Tom “Big Toe” Laura, Martin S. Lindsay, Suzy “AtomiKitty” Mosher, and Holden Westland. San Diego Comic-Con, San Diego, CA, July 20, 2019.

San Diego, Polynesia!

San Diego, Polynesia!

Illustrated presentation about Shelter Island and San Diego Tiki establishments, for the Point Loma Optimists Society. San Diego Yacht Club, San Diego, CA, January 14, 2019.

2018 09 15 Tiki CHSD

Ninety Years of Classic San Diego Tiki, 1928-2018

Illustrated book preview presentation to the Culinary Historians of San Diego. Neil Morgan Auditorium, San Diego Central Library, San Diego, CA, September 15, 2018.